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Announcements February 15, 2023

Final Event of NanoInformaTIX Project 

The Final Event of NanoInformaTIX took place at Ilhavo, Portugal from the 8th till 10th of February. The event aimed to share project results with the scientific community, policy makers and industry players who could benefit from the project outcomes and by the state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics in the areas of safety and sustainability on advanced […]

Scientific February 5, 2023

“Materials Science and Technology” lecture by Dr. Blanchin Alvise

On the 3rd of February Dr. Alvise Blanchin from MBN Nanomaterialia delivered a guest lecture at  School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA, as part of the Seminar Courses of Postgraduate Program “Materials Science and Technology”. The lecture was related to “Synthesis of functional materials by high energy ball milling” and it focused on solid state powder […]

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