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July 1, 2024

4th Training School of Cost EsSENce

The 4th Training School of Cost EsSENce took place at Dallara Automobili in Varano de Melegari, Italy as a hybrid event on the 26th and 28th of June 2024.The Training School “Future Trends on CNMs-based Composites: From Development to Market Application,” focused on sustainability and digitalization. R-NanoLab participated both as trainers and trainees, making the most […]

January 29, 2024

Suspens 1st Annual Meeting

Suspens Project reached its first Annual Meeting on the 23th and 24th of January in Saint Malo. Hosted by partner Faurecia, representatives from the 13 partners came together and discussed the project’s first achievements towards its goals of reducing the environmental footprint of composite structures for the automotive, leisure boat, and aerospace industries. R-NanoLab presented the […]

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