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Meetings March 27, 2023

ROSiE General Assembly meeting

The ROSiE General Assembly meeting hosted by Latvijas Universitate was completed in Riga, Latvia on the 22nd  and 23rd of March, with great success! The meeting’s primary purpose was to discuss the initial results of ROSiE project and the opportunities and challenges associated with Open Science, as well as to plan for the next steps. Partners with different discipline backgrounds […]

Announcements February 15, 2023

Final Event of NanoInformaTIX Project 

The Final Event of NanoInformaTIX took place at Ilhavo, Portugal from the 8th till 10th of February. The event aimed to share project results with the scientific community, policy makers and industry players who could benefit from the project outcomes and by the state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics in the areas of safety and sustainability on advanced […]

Announcements February 1, 2023

DOMMINIO Consortium Meeting at NTUA

Hosted by R-Nano Lab, the 24 month Meeting of DOMMINIO Project was held in Athens, Greece on the 31st of January and 1st of February at the NTUA campus. The goal of the project is to develop an innovative methodology for designing and manufacturing multifunctional airframe parts. The objective of this meeting was to present […]

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