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Meetings October 26, 2023

Carbo4Power 2nd Review Meeting

Carbo4Power project held its second review meeting (36M) on the 25th of October hosted by NTUA, in Athens, Greece.  Representatives from the 18 partner entities, including the Project Monitor, attended the meeting and shared their constructive comments. Discussions were focused around the current status of the project, all the milestones and achievements that have been […]

Collaborations September 21, 2023

PPI Conference 2023

The 3rd International Polymer Process Innovation Conference (PPI) was held at the Azurem Campus of the University of Minho in Guimaraes, Portugal, from September 13th to 15th. Hosted by the DONE Lab, the conference featured 3 Plenary lectures, 8 Keynotes, 60 Oral presentations, and 21 Posters. With participation from over 80 attendees representing 11 countries, […]

Meetings September 14, 2023

EuReComp First Review Meeting

EuReComp project held its first review meeting (18M) on the 12th of September hosted by INEGI, in the beautiful Caves Calem in Porto.  Representatives from the 20 partner entities, including the Project Monitor and Officer, attended the meeting and shared their constructive comments. Discussions were focused around the current status of the project, all the […]

Projects August 22, 2023

The 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials

The 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 23) held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, from July 30th to August 4th, 2023, showcased the forefront of composite materials research. The EuReComp team organised a Special Session, focusing on the crucial topic of “Circularity of Composites.” This session delved into the sustainability and recyclability aspects of composite […]

Meetings June 16, 2023

Suspens Project 6M Meeting

Suspens Project reached its first 6M meeting on the 14th and 15th of June in Gent. Hosted by partner Centexbel, representatives from the 13 partners came together and discussed the project’s initial achievements towards its goals of reducing the environmental footprint of composite structures for the automotive, leisure boat, and aerospace industries. R-NanoLab will develop, […]

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