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Projects August 22, 2023

The 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials

The 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 23) held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, from July 30th to August 4th, 2023, showcased the forefront of composite materials research. The EuReComp team organised a Special Session, focusing on the crucial topic of “Circularity of Composites.” This session delved into the sustainability and recyclability aspects of composite […]

Collaborations June 9, 2023

1st Carbo4Power Open Day Workshop

On June 8th, CNΑT hosted the 1st Carbo4Power Open Day Workshop 2023. The workshop centered around the core themes of the project, covering topics such as composites, offshore wind turbines, and recycling routes of blade materials. FibreGY project was also represented at the event, to exchange knowledge on composites and sustainability. Through the sessions and […]

Collaborations May 17, 2023

1st POIESIS Public Deliberation Workshop 

The 1st POIESIS Public Deliberation Workshop was held with great success in Athens, Greece, on May 13th. The Workshop was organized and hosted by the NTUA team. More than 30 citizens participated in the event and discussed about trust in science, research integrity and integration issues. Experts Drs. Iris Vlachantoni and Elissavet Feloni gave presentations […]

Collaborations May 15, 2023

R-NanoLab Team at the ChemExpo 2023

ChemExpo 2023 took place on May 12th at the Serafion in Athens. The event was organized to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Chemecon, a voluntary, non-profit Association of Young Chemical Engineers in Greece, which operates at NTUA. The primary objective of the event was to facilitate knowledge-sharing and foster connections between the […]

Collaborations May 15, 2023

Carbo4Power’s M30 meeting

Carbo4Power’s M30 meeting took place at the ITAINNOVA facility in Zaragoza, Spain on May 10th and 11th. During the meeting, project partners came together to discuss materials developments and properties validation approaches. From our team, Stefania, Tanja and Dionisis joined the meeting as coordination team, engaged in both technical and management discussions.

Collaborations May 8, 2023

Fast-Smart: 36M Review Meeting and 2nd Training Program

The 36-month review meeting of the Horizon 2020 project FAST-SMART was held in Athens on May 4th. Hosted by NTUA, representatives from the 13 partner organizations, including Project Coordinator Professor Yi Qin from the University of Strathclyde and Project Officer Dr. Achilleas Stalios, attended the meeting. They discussed the current status of the project and […]

Collaborations May 4, 2023

JEC World Composites 2023

R-NanoLab participated in JEC World Composites 2023 in Paris on the 25th until the 27th of April, which provided an excellent platform for the team to connect with numerous companies and organizations in the industry. The event presented an invaluable opportunity for R-NanoLab to engage in meaningful conversations about the latest trends and advancements in […]

Collaborations May 2, 2023

4th EMMC International Workshop

On April 27th, Professor Charitidis from R-NanoLab chaired the 4th session on the second day of the EMMC International Workshop. The session was titled “Characterisation as accelerator on advanced physics-based modelling; from product development to Use-Cases” and explored the ways in which characterisation can be used to accelerate the development of advanced physics-based models. The […]

Collaborations April 21, 2023

iClimabuilt: 24 Months meeting

The 24 month Progress Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Project iClimabuilt took place in Dresden, Germany on 19th and 20th of April. Hosted by project partner TUD, representatives from the 27 partner organizations and project coordination team from NTUA attended the meeting and discussed the project’s progress and plans for the next period.  iClimabuilt’s goal […]

Collaborations March 29, 2023

DECOAT at European Coatings Show

The DECOAT project held its 51 month meeting in Nürnberg Germany on March 27th marking the final phase of the project. With most work packages nearing completion, the project is generating promising results and use cases. Alongside with the meeting R-NanoLab was also at the European Coatings Show (ECS 2023) in Nürnberg Germany representing the […]

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