R-NanoLab participated in the Greener Manufacturing Show 2023, Europe’s leading event for Environmental and Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions, on 8-9 November 2023, in Cologne, Germany, promoting the ecosystem, the services and the technologies of our Open Innovation Test Bed iClimabuilt (OITB) project. It was a great opportunity to connect with people working in the field of […]
The 6th EmergeMAT Conference, held on November 9th and 10th in Bucharest, Romania, in a hybrid format. The Conference, brought together students, scientists, engineers, industry representatives and other stakeholders, focusing on Materials for Energy, Critical Raw Materials, New Materials for Environmental Protection, and Materials Modelling and Simulation. Our colleague, Dr. Myrto Dardavila presented “Study of […]
The 3rd Full Action Meeting of Cost EsSENce took place as a hybrid event at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Greece from October 23rd to 25th. The EsSENce COST Action aims to develop a scientific & technological innovation hub at European and International level, focusing on advanced composite materials reinforced with carbon-based […]
Carbo4Power project held its second review meeting (36M) on the 25th of October hosted by NTUA, in Athens, Greece. Representatives from the 18 partner entities, including the Project Monitor, attended the meeting and shared their constructive comments. Discussions were focused around the current status of the project, all the milestones and achievements that have been […]
The 2nd Progress meeting of NanOER Erasmus+ project was held today in a hybrid form at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden. NanOER is a groundbreaking educational platform dedicated to the in-depth exploration of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) in the context of nanoparticle treatments. Our mission is to shed light on the environmental aspects of nanomaterials, with […]
Meet NanOER Project R-NanoLab is part of the Erasmus+ project NanOER: Educational platform for life cycle analysis of treatments based on nanoparticles applied to the construction industry. NanoOER project will provide to nano-product manufacturers, construction sector professionals and environmental managers, the necessary knowledge to understand the environmental and health impacts generated by the manufacturing, application, […]
PRecycling project held its first review meeting (18M) on the 11th of October hosted by NTNU, in Gjøvik Norway. Representatives from the 17 partner entities, including the Project Monitor and Officer, attended the meeting and shared their constructive comments. Discussions were focused around the current status of the project, all the milestones and achievements that […]
The 30-month Progress Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Project iClimabuilt took place in Manresa, Spain on 27th and 28th of September. Hosted by project partner Eurecat, representatives from the 27 partner organizations and project coordination team from NTUA attended the meeting and discussed the project’s progress and plans for the next period. iClimabuilt’s goal is […]
EuReComp project held its first review meeting (18M) on the 12th of September hosted by INEGI, in the beautiful Caves Calem in Porto. Representatives from the 20 partner entities, including the Project Monitor and Officer, attended the meeting and shared their constructive comments. Discussions were focused around the current status of the project, all the […]