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Conference October 23, 2023

OIP-2023 Conference

Our Colleague Dr. George Konstantopoulos participated to the OIP-2023 conference with an invited presentation in the session “Exploring Open Innovation in OITB, SSbD Initiatives and Platforms”, titled Materials Characterisation Challenges to Support the Industry Transition in the Digital Era.  Overall, the OIP-2023 Conference provided ample networking opportunities, and facilitated the exchange of ideas for researchers, […]

Announcements October 18, 2023

NanOER Project

Meet NanOER Project R-NanoLab is part of the Erasmus+ project NanOER: Educational platform for life cycle analysis of treatments based on nanoparticles applied to the construction industry. NanoOER project will provide to nano-product manufacturers, construction sector professionals and environmental managers, the necessary knowledge to understand the environmental and health impacts generated by the manufacturing, application, […]

Projects August 22, 2023

The 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials

The 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 23) held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, from July 30th to August 4th, 2023, showcased the forefront of composite materials research. The EuReComp team organised a Special Session, focusing on the crucial topic of “Circularity of Composites.” This session delved into the sustainability and recyclability aspects of composite […]

Collaborations March 29, 2023

DECOAT at European Coatings Show

The DECOAT project held its 51 month meeting in Nürnberg Germany on March 27th marking the final phase of the project. With most work packages nearing completion, the project is generating promising results and use cases. Alongside with the meeting R-NanoLab was also at the European Coatings Show (ECS 2023) in Nürnberg Germany representing the […]

Announcements February 22, 2023

Repair3D project’s 50 Months Meeting in Bologna, Italy

Hosted by Warrant Hub, the 50 Month Meeting took place in Bologna, Italy on the 20th of February. Project representatives from 18 partners attended the meeting and discussed the project’s status and latest results before the Final Review meeting, which will be held on Brussels, together with an Open Day by CNAT. R-NanoLab as Scientific […]

Announcements February 15, 2023

Final Event of NanoInformaTIX Project 

The Final Event of NanoInformaTIX took place at Ilhavo, Portugal from the 8th till 10th of February. The event aimed to share project results with the scientific community, policy makers and industry players who could benefit from the project outcomes and by the state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics in the areas of safety and sustainability on advanced […]

Announcements February 4, 2023

Fast-Smart Consortium Meeting at NTUA

The 36 month Review Pre-Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Project FAST-SMART took place in Athens on Thursday the 2nd of February. Hosted by NTUA, representatives from the 13 Partner organizations and Project Coordinator Professor Yi Qin from University of Strathclyde, attended the meeting and discussed the project’s updates and progress, regarding the development of energy […]

Announcements February 1, 2023

DOMMINIO Consortium Meeting at NTUA

Hosted by R-Nano Lab, the 24 month Meeting of DOMMINIO Project was held in Athens, Greece on the 31st of January and 1st of February at the NTUA campus. The goal of the project is to develop an innovative methodology for designing and manufacturing multifunctional airframe parts. The objective of this meeting was to present […]

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