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April 25, 2024

24 Month Meeting of PRecycling

AIMEN hosted the 24-month consortium meeting of PRecycling Project on the 22nd and 23rd of April in Porrino, Spain. During this meeting, the PRecycling partners came together to discuss the project’s developments and results achieved in the second year.  R-NanoLab, serving as Coordinator and WP2 leaders, presented their latest progress on Recovering and converting recyclable […]

January 31, 2024

Blades2Build 1st Annual Meeting

Hosted by partner Holcim, the annual meeting of the Blades2Build Project took place on January 25th and 26th in Lyon, France. Representatives from the 14 partners met up to deliberate on the initial milestones achieved in pursuit of the project’s objectives of improving and supporting circularity options of end-of-life wind blades. R-NanoLab, as Work Package Leaders […]

October 16, 2023

PRecycling First Review Meeting

PRecycling project held its first review meeting (18M) on the 11th of October hosted by NTNU, in Gjøvik Norway.  Representatives from the 17 partner entities, including the Project Monitor and Officer, attended the meeting and shared their constructive comments. Discussions were focused around the current status of the project, all the milestones and achievements that […]

May 17, 2023

1st POIESIS Public Deliberation Workshop 

The 1st POIESIS Public Deliberation Workshop was held with great success in Athens, Greece, on May 13th. The Workshop was organized and hosted by the NTUA team. More than 30 citizens participated in the event and discussed about trust in science, research integrity and integration issues. Experts Drs. Iris Vlachantoni and Elissavet Feloni gave presentations […]

April 24, 2023

1st EuReComp Open Workshop

The 1st EuReComp Open Workshop 2023 was a huge success, held on the 20th of April in Dresden. The workshop covered various topics related to composite recycling, including an EoL Composites Market Analysis, the R6 strategy within EuReComp, and the use of composites and recycling in different sectors, such as aeronautics. Attendees had the opportunity […]

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