Dr. Dimitris Dragatogiannis is an Applied Mathematician that has acquired a Master’s Degree in Materials Science and Technology and a PHD in Experimental Mechanics of Materials focused on Nanomechanics. Currently, his main research interests are investigation of mechanical behavior of advanced materials at small scales and development of multiscale approaches beyond the limits of conventional mechanics.
His PhD studies were focused on the localized mechanical behavior of metallic matrix nanocomposites and carbon fiber composites for aeronautical applications. His research was supported by PhD scholarships granted by Research Committee of the National Technical University of Athens and Pericles Theocaris foundation.
He has dealt, as well, with characterization of plasma textured surfaces for “smart” microfluidic devices and nanomechanical behavior of thin films and coatings. He is author of 34 published papers in peer reviewed International Journlas, 33 papers in peer reviewed Proceedings and 3 book chapters. He has participated in 60 scientific conferences and workshops. Concerning publication metrics, his h-index is 9 (according to Scopus) and 12 (according to Google Scholar).